I then needed to consentrate on the objectives, first rasing my culture, making sure everyone had schools was a big employment punch- so I had to delete my hippodrome from my garden with the triumphant arch. And from there, I built as I needed, all housing was small casa- pottery and clay was in abundant supply and imports and exports worked very good. That is what I started doing in Valentia, with my central city near the lake and the highland with the meadow, then I built a small village for docks and wharfs at the sea port area. I was very pleased at Valentia, over Paris, I think I need to rethink my stratigy on the city, you see- normally I build large cities with many houses all small casa, usually. so money in my city is at no short supply. All stocks of goods besides food are low- though I have many industry in the city, I have no hippodrome or Senate, or hospitals and only one coluesum- so big buildings with allot of workers is not the problem, please help!!!(how can I get workers? How can my overall housing status go up? if you turn a profit every year, does your prosperity go up- even if it has a problem of the housing being status being low?) and large insule- with afew small villas, the large insule and small villas are only in my main city- the only place that can get furiture, wine and oil with no problem- I figure that it is better to have afew large houses close togather than to have many small ones with large houses everynow and then. My prosperity is 42 and 65 is needed, it says that my housing needs to be better, but I am having a very hard time doing that, since my city is short of 700 workers, my main housing is large casa,small insule-med. I resently desided to reply all of the missions and am stuck on Valentia, first the facts: